Results for "pantomime club pantomime pantomim pandomim mime mime festival video event meeting"


    • Billy Deylord

      Newsletter April 21 a new article of the shop (Pantomime Marine by Mime Demet) and resume the latest videos (1. International Istanbul Mime Festival Teaser and Shanks), photo...ute; avec Mario GONZALEZ) and event calendar (2.Istanbul International Mime Festival (18-24 March 2013)) posted on...

      • Billy Deylord

        Newsletter April 08

        In today's newsletter, we feature a video of the "live room" (The formatio...We also summarize the latest videos (Festival International de Pantomime 'Le masque Blanc'), pages (Mime et automate), blog articles ( Arts du mime et du geste), event calendar (La chambre de Camil...

        • Billy Deylord

          Newsletter du 21 avril

          Cela fait plus de deux mois que nous n'avons pas adressé de Ne...r un spectacle pour plus d'un Mime)... Mais comme il n'y avait pas d...ouvel article de la Boutique (Pantomime Marine du Mime Demet) puis Expresse de Planète MiMe - avril 2012 et Entretien film&ea...

          • Billy Deylord

            Newsletter March 04

            Retrospective in the newsletter of this Friday Mim'provisation event held last February 18 at the..., in France. It was the first event of the Live Room. Another meeting is scheduled for March 12. We do find in the event posted by Philippe Pillavoine...

            • Billy Deylord

              Newsletter January 07

              ...any activities related to the Mime! In the first newsletter of the new year, discover a new event to the calendar (workshop of mime photos (Baptiste DEBURAU), videos (Marcel Marceau answers our questions, video with translation!) and files (Planet MiMe -...

              • Le Bateau Ivre

                « Stage de Mime » à Allonnes (72)

                L’aventure de Laurenzaccio au Théâtre de Chaoué..., « Le Bateau Ivre » propose un Stage de Mime animé par Philippe Pillavoine...(Salle Falret). Il est organisé grâce au Festival théâtral Les Jeunes Pouss...illavoine proposera une découverte de la Pantomime Bl...

                • Philippe Pillavoine

                  Journée d’information des professionnels des Arts du mime et du geste

                  Le 12 mars dernier, lors de la « Journée d’information des professionnels des Arts du mime et...on !Voir la vidéo / View the video.The last March 12, during the "Information day professional of mime...sent Here's a video o...

                  • Billy Deylord

                    Newsletter October 15

                    This week in the's newsletter, you'll find two new members (Alexey...ploaded by Patrick Keller Schleitheim, a blog post by Mime Demet. You'll also have access to the last event posted by Won Kim, at the last video posted by Mime De...

                    • Billy Deylord

                      Newsletter February 9

                      The eve of the Live Room of MIMESIS, the 43th newsletter has bee...would also review the latest videos (The Mime Marceau as is...), photos (So...director Zillur Rahman John), events (MIMESIS) and files (Descriptif Amal...ttp:// Find "A mime's life in category 'Live Room'...

                      • Billy Deylord

                        Newsletter January 2

               is pleased to wish you a Happy New Year 2012! The...oom"). We also summarize the latest videos (The Mime Mar...2!), discussions topics (2012), and event calendar (2-Day Intensive Mime Theatre Workshop) that have be...ry" The Live Room offers its second video p...