Results for "post"


    • Billy Deylord

      Newsletter October 15

      This week in the's newsletter, you'll find two new members (Alexey Mironov of Berlin and Vladislav Bagnuk of Kiev), a file uploaded by Patrick Keller Schleitheim, a blog post by Mime Demet. You'll also have access to the last event posted by Won Kim, at the last video posted...

      Tags: newsletter, october, members, file, blog, post, event, video, photos, album

      • Billy Deylord

        Newsletter October 22

        You will discover with the newsletter of this Friday, two new members (Mr Qwirk and Wesley Brainard) and the latest photos and videos posted lately. If you need additional information to guide you through your first steps on, you can read or join the "Help" group. Check out ...

        Tags: newsletter, october, members, file, blog, post, video, photos, album, group, help

        • Billy Deylord

          Newsletter March 25

          In the newsletter sent all Friday to international members, we are pleased to introduce two new members (Compagnie Platform 88 and Lilou) registered on We also summarize recent connections and announcing the latest videos (Spectacle Pantomime et mimésis), photos (R&ea...

          Tags: newsletter,, march, 2011, rss, subscribe, email, connections, videos, photos, members, event, calendar, agenda, blog, post, topic

          • Billy Deylord

            Newsletter August 28

            In the 35th newsletter, we present a new member (DonMcLeod), and the latest videos (The mime Marceau in the Journal of 13 hours), photos (Jacques Noël) and announcements (Cherche comédienne mime and Mime pour publicité) posted on the website. If you want t...

            Tags: newsletter,, august, 2011, august 2011, rss, subscribe, email, videos, members, photos, albums, pages, blog, post, announcements, donate

            • Billy Deylord

              Newsletter October 17

              In this 38th newsletter, we present two events posted by Mime Demet (Mimésis 14:00 at 10:00 the 25 and October 26) and Magenia (Mime Workshop Commedia Fencing). We also summarize recent activities: Announcements (Recherche mime blanc and Spectacle de mime d'une durée de 45 mn), File...

              Tags: newsletter,, october 2011, 2011, rss, subscribe, email, shop, store, calendar, event, pages, files, blog, post, discussion, topic, announcements