Results for "subscribe"


    • Billy Deylord

      Newsletter April 08

      In today's newsletter, we feature a video of the "live room" (The formation) and made the recents connections on We also summarize the latest videos (Festival International de Pantomime 'Le masque Blanc'), pages (Mime et automate), blog articles (Journée d'information...

      Tags: newsletter,, april, 2011, rss, subscribe, email, connections, videos, blogs, pages, event, calendar, agenda, discussion, topic

      • Billy Deylord

        Newsletter May 13

        It is with great pleasure that we resume on the newsletter sent this Friday to all international's members. After more one month away (problem with our webhost) Philippe Pillavoine write you a note to announce that your website is back. Thanks to the generosity of its donors....

        Tags: newsletter,, may, 2011, may 2011, rss, subscribe, email, videos, event, calendar, agenda, bookmarks, back

        • Billy Deylord

          Newsletter May 20

          This week in the newsletter sent to members of international, we present the Spring / Summer Newsletter of the Planète MiMe Association. To view and download the file, you must be connected. We also stock the latest videos (Amalthée, Paris presents the Mime Marc...

          Tags: newsletter,, may, 2011, may 2011, rss, subscribe, email, videos, event, calendar, agenda, bookmarks

          • Billy Deylord

            Newsletter May 27

            In Friday's newsletter, we are pleased to present newest members registered on Le Bateau Ivre and Luis Torreao. We also present the latest photos (La chambre de Camille au Lavoir Moderne Parisien, Mime Suiveur [en loge]), Job Announcement (Automate pour soirée chefs d...

            Tags: newsletter,, may, 2011, may 2011, rss, subscribe, email, photos, blogs, announcement, members

            • Billy Deylord

              Newsletter June 03

              The thirtieth newsletter was sent today to all international members of We are pleased to announce a new event on the Live Room. Saturday, June 4, the last performance of La chambre de Camille mime show in Paris at Lavoir Moderne Parisien will be broadcast live. We also pres...

              Tags: newsletter,, june, 2011, june 2011, rss, subscribe, email, photos, videos, bookmarks, live room, connections

              • Billy Deylord

                Newsletter June 17

                We arrive at important step towards a stable version of the website. The beta (test) will thus give way to a website open to as many mimes. The newsletter is going to evolve as well. Periodicity is no longer weekly but will be based on the current website. More news will be dense and it will appe...

                Tags: newsletter,, june, 2011, june 2011, rss, subscribe, email, albums, photos, videos, pages, files, connections, members

                • Billy Deylord

                  Newsletter June 27

                  The news has been intense in recent days on The opportunity to publish a newsletter. We are pleased to introduce a new member LES ÉLÉPHANTS ROSES and to Focus: Entrevus. This is a series of visual poems, sound and movement performed by Hippocampe Company: "La r...

                  Tags: newsletter,, june, 2011, june 2011, rss, subscribe, email, videos, pages, files, connections, members, focus, annoucement

                  • Billy Deylord

                    Newsletter July 14

                    In the 46th newsletter, we are pleased to introduce a new member: Victor de Seixas. We also present a new trick in our "Did You Know it?" : How to handle notifications that you receive from We also present the latest videos (The Heart Eater, Teaser Entre...

                    Tags: newsletter,, june, 2011, july 2011, rss, subscribe, email, videos, members, photos, event, calendar, connexion

                    • Billy Deylord

                      Newsletter August 21

                      We hope your summer is going well. We took advantage of this lull to bring three new features to We are also pleased to welcome two new members (Richmond Shepard and Peter Roberts). In the 34th international newsletter sent to members we summarize latest videos (Marcel Marce...

                      Tags: newsletter,, august, 2011, august 2011, rss, subscribe, email, videos, members, photos, albums, pages, bookmarks, donate

                      • Billy Deylord

                        Newsletter August 28

                        In the 35th newsletter, we present a new member (DonMcLeod), and the latest videos (The mime Marceau in the Journal of 13 hours), photos (Jacques Noël) and announcements (Cherche comédienne mime and Mime pour publicité) posted on the website. If you want t...

                        Tags: newsletter,, august, 2011, august 2011, rss, subscribe, email, videos, members, photos, albums, pages, blog, post, announcements, donate