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Newsletter April 21

It has been over two months since we have not addressed the international Newsletter to our members. The news on the website was yet consistent (in particular the initiative of Patrice Keller de Schleitheim to invite members to create a show for more than a Mime)... But since there were no new members we have not seen fit to publish a newsletter. Especially since we are currently developing the next version of scheduled for July 5, 2012 and that it is open for everyone! To be continued...

So in this 44th newsletter we present two new members (Théâtre du MimOdrame and Vedat ZAR). We feature a new article of the shop (Pantomime Marine by Mime Demet) and resume the latest videos (1. International Istanbul Mime Festival Teaser and Shanks), photos (Étienne DECROUX and Le Manteau), bookmarks (Comment Mimos fêtera ses trente ans and Une promotion "Arts du mime et du geste" à l'ESAD), files (Lettre Expresse de Planète MiMe - avril 2012 and Entretien filmé avec Mario GONZALEZ) and event calendar (2.Istanbul International Mime Festival (18-24 March 2013)) posted on the website.

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Pantomime Marine in category Live RoomFind "Pantomime Marine in category 'Live Room'" Music by Lionel Tessier, "Pantomime Marine" is aimed at both children and adults. You can also watch it and enjoy it with family.... More.