It was constituted by Vedat Zar In October 2009 in Balıkesir. The community, which has a name of “Yine Mi” for satirizing to importance of the theater in our country, has written with “Kutlay AKBAL” a spectacle “Körü Körüğüne” which is about teenages’ problems. The community, which Works to generalize art for corporate culture, continues to work for museums, libraries, kindergardens, the chalanges also they promote the labors about this.Also the community gather to protest mime and drama intensive at kindergardens and nurseries. Some of these shows are showed by the best performers of the world.Vedat Zar, who is the founder of the community, is the founder of the “Word Mime Community” and “Modern Mime Art Enstitue”.This institution has affected to employees and employers about “ Efficient Communication and Body Language” which is the affect for the everyday life of the pantomime. Protests of mime and drama intensive are very efficient protests which children can attend to and can step up their learnts.
Topics: Communication – Sport – Nutrition – Dental Care and Environmental Education…
Also at nurseys clown, pantomime, drama, Santa Claus, Nasreddin Hodja, contribute to year-end activities, puppet and bream, openning balon decoration, pantomime and breathing workshops, animation and demonstration activities are showed.
Previous Activities:
- 27 March The Day of World Theatre Square of Ali Hikmetpaşa Pantomime Show(The first)
- 25 March-3 April 2010 City Theatres Ofer Blum Clown and Mime Workshops
- 5 April İstanbul City Theatres Üsküdar Stage of Kerem Yılmazer Ofer Blum Pantomime Show
- 2 May 44. Odtü Rejoicing of Theatre Pantomime Show
- 3 May Ankara Univ. ZİFTT 3. Festival of the Theatre Respect to Masters Pantomime Show
- 8 May Batman GAPGenç Festival of International Youth Pantomime Show and Pantomime Workshop
- 9-10 May 2010Albert Alel Kessler Pantomime Workshop
-11 May Sokakların Dili Pandomim Gösterisi İstanbul/Taksim
-14 May Denizli 26. İnternational Amateur Theatre Festival Show and Special Workshop for Children (400 children)
-19 May Bandırma Rejoicing of Youth Pantomime Show(5000 people)
-28 May Balıkesir Resthome Pantomime Show and visit
-28 May SHÇEK Asylum Pantomime Show and visit
-13 June 2010 Necatibey Eğitim Fakültesi Festival of Preschool
-19 June “Museum of Kuvay-i Milliye” Pantomime Show
-29 June Bandırma Çevre Tiyatro ‘Bandırmalı mı,Bandırmamalı mı?’ Art.
-29 July Burhaniye Taylıeli Village 1. Culture-Art and Theatre Festival Pantomime Show
- 27 August-5 September Hırvatistan Le Petit International Theatre Festival Pantomime Show
- 13 January Nilüfer 2011Deaf Business High-school Pantomime Workshop and Chatting
-22-25 March 2012 International İstanbul Mim Festival
-15-22 March 2012 A Haber,Habertürk,TGRT Haber,Skytürk Tv,Best Fm ve Trt Radyo 1 Live Chatting about “Mime And İstanbul İnternational Mime Festival”
-07 April 2012 Cine5 Zembur Talk Show Program Pantomime Show (Live Performance)
- 2011-2012 Dansorium Dance Center Pantomime Courses
Upcoming Activities
-22 April 2012 “Pantomime Days with Vedat Zar” in İstanbul Chamber of Architects
-22 April 2012 “Dance with Silence” in “Some of Artist Theatre”,Taksim,İstanbul
-25 April 2012 “Dance with Silence” Stand Up Mime in 8. Fatih University Theatre Festival
-28 April 2012 “Dance With Silence” Stand Up Mime in 5.Theatre Academy Theatre Festival
-06 May 2012 “Dance with Silence” in 4.Pamukkale University Theatre Festival
-10 May 2012 “Dance with Silence” in 4.Menemen Munipulitary Theatre Festival
-11 May 2012 “Dance with Silence” in Namık Kemal University Special Show
-11 May 2012 Turkish Mime And Future Of Mime Conference in Namık Kemal University
-12 May 2012 14 May Denizli 26. İnternational Amateur Theatre Festival
To Antalya 4.AUTT Teatre Festival and 1. Ayvalık to Teatre Festival where we were invited, we couldn’t attend because of technical problems. Recently we are invented form may International Festival in the world.
Web Cite:
Phone: 0537 604 92 90
Vedat ZAR: